Gospel-Centered Mission

In the most famous passage on discipleship in the Bible, Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus issues the Great Commission for the Church. We are to become more devoted disciples through love for God and love for others by equipping and empowering them to do the same. We are called to growth as we extend the gospel of life to a spiritually dead world.

For His Glory

Numerous opportunities exist for the work of mission. According to the Bible, God has determined the exact time and place in which you live, work and play for His glory (Acts 17:26). God was intentional in directing our lives, so we should live with purpose in all that we pursue.

Mission Opportunities

We live “on mission” when we live with the purpose to make God known and enjoyed. Those who have been redeemed by God through the gospel of Jesus have ample opportunity to enter into the work of gospel-centered mission. From teaching our children in our homes to moving overseas and taking the gospel to an unreached people group, our lives have been infused with purpose and meaning. The call of discipleship is the call of mission – for the glory of God.